2. RheinForum 182

The second ‘RheinForum 182’ brought together German and French business leaders from the Rhine region to discuss their concerns and ideas. In his capacity as Honorary Consul, Michael Mack initiated this business event to promote cross-border projects.

In his welcome address, Michael Mack said: “Especially in these politically turbulent times, the Franco-German friendship is a foundation of stability and trust. Europe needs a clear vision for the future, and our border region offers many opportunities. It is important for me to discuss these opportunities in a personal exchange with the Economic Forum and to develop new ideas. We must once again put concrete Franco-German projects into practice”.

The initiative is supported by the Alsatian business club Timken, chaired by Frédéric Créplet, and the economic development agency ADIRA, chaired by Monique Jung. The event was attended by numerous personalities, including Gaël de Maisonneuve, Consul General of France in Stuttgart, Franck Leroy, President of the Grand Est Region, Thomas Kern, Consul General of Germany in Strasbourg, Jean-Luc Heimburger, President of the Alsace Eurométropole Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Michel Hau, Professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg.

The number 182 symbolises the 182 kilometres of the Rhine between France and Germany, an extension that underlines the need for continued close cooperation and dialogue in order to tackle economic and social challenges together on both sides of the Rhine.