French National Day in Freiburg
At the initiative of Gaël de Maisonneuve, French Consul General in Stuttgart, several prominents took the floor at this celebration, including Martin W.W. Horn, Lord Mayor of the City of Freiburg im Breisgau; Michèle Lutz, Lady Mayoress of the City of Mulhouse; Brigitte Klinkert, MP for Haut-Rhin; and Dr Patrick Rapp, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg.
In his speech, Michael Mack recalled the close relationship that Europa-Park ─ and the Mack family in particular ─ has had with Alsace for several generations. He thereafter presented ongoing projects in France, related to the division of the MACK One France company in Plobsheim and at Ollwiller Castle. He also referred to the thousand employees from Alsace contributing to this great success day by day.
The consular office, with its base at the Freiburg French Cultural Centre (CCFF), receives requests from several thousand French people living in the region of Freiburg and Tübingen. When the last elections in France were held, a new polling station was also set up in Offenburg to meet the demands of French citizens residing in Ortenau. The honorary consul, who is involved in multiple projects promoting exchange between either side of the Rhine, together with other powers that be in cross-border cooperation, welcomed all kinds of activity with the goal of supporting and strengthening Franco-German friendship.
The French national anthem, led by the Franco-German choir from Freiburg im Breisgau, let the 250 assembled to sing in unison and the performance of the Franco-German high school big band at Freiburg im Breisgau was an outstanding confirmation of the Franco-German youth in action.
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