Support for the Chapelle de la Rencontre project
Due to its location on the France-Germany border in the Quartier du Port du Rhin in Strasbourg, the Kapelle der Begegnung (chapel of encounters) is intended to help strengthen social cohesion in this area, which is currently undergoing major restructuring, and to strengthen and intensify Franco-German relations. Built as a sign of reconciliation after the Second World War, this chapel represents a mindset and history that the two churches (EKIBA-Protestant Church in Baden, and UEPAL – Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine) through their representatives (Dr. Jochen Cornelius- Bundschuh and Christian Albecker) wish to revive today.
A large call for donations to finance the construction work, which began in spring 2021, was launched so that the project can become a symbolic meeting place between French and Germans, but also between people of different origins and religions.
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