Fairy Tale Day at Europa-Park
Fairy Tale Day at Europa-Park
Nearly one hundred French and German school pupils came together at Europa-Park as part of two projects carried out in cooperation with the Académie de Strasbourg.
The ‘Fairy Tale Podcast’ project allowed the young people of the Collège in Kochersberg and the Stromberg Gymnasium secondary school in Vaihingen an der Enz to put forward an original and creative re-interpretation of fairy tales. Through the setting of new stories to music and the depiction of fantasy characters, not only could they further develop their digital and technical competencies, but also their independence, their capacity to cooperate and their mastery of their respective neighbours’ language.
The ‘Fairy Tale Songs’ project offered two classes from the Collège of Truchtersheim and the Falkenhausenschule in Kehl the opportunity to broaden their concepts of artistic and cultural education by acquiring a new repertoire of children’s songs in German and French, which the Alsace composer Nicolas Fischer had composed.
During the presentation of both these products at Europa-Park, the pupils could again sing the anthem of cross-border collaboration ‘Es lebe l’amitié, vive la Freundschaft’ (both meaning ‘Long live friendship’)
The ‘Grimm Magical Forest’ was then the setting of linguistic developments in French and German. Thanks to the educational work of the Académie de Strasbourg, the resulting podcast was completed there. The youngest participants could, in turn, listen to a fairy tale reading by Miriam Mack, chair of the European Fairy Tale Centre ‘Märchenland’.
Michael Mack emphasised the distinctiveness of this cross-border encounter, a true-to-life and joyful proof of European ambition.
Further information:
ORGA journée transfrontalière des contes 2024 – Digipad by La Digitale