Dinner for the Consular Corps in Baden-Württemberg
Dinner for the Consular Corps in Baden-Württemberg
At the invitation of Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, Michael Mack took part in the dinner that was organised on 10th March 2020 for the members of the Consular Corps of the state of Baden-Württemberg in the New Palace in Stuttgart.
In his address, Minister President Kretschmann emphasised that the Consuls General, Consuls and Honorary Consuls working in Baden-Württemberg were “bridge builders and links between our states”. At the same time, they help their fellow citizens as contacts and on-site service providers. He thanked his guests for their work with the words “They help our state to have such great economic, scientific, cultural and personal connections all over the world.”
In Baden-Württemberg, there are currently more than 60 states represented by Consular representations. Most of them are Honorary Consulates, of which the French Honorary Consulate in Freiburg is one of the oldest.